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Naturally Alkaline Mineral Water. Origin Aravalli Hills.

The Aava story began when time began, before the Himalayas or the Alps were born. This is the story of the majestic Aravallis, one of the world's oldest mountain ranges, a legend that lives on with the passage of time from where Aava originates. Drop by drop, for 20 years, Aava trickles down from the catchment area to our deep underground reservoirs. Along the way it is purified as it passes through layers of alluvium and clay that act as natural filters. To ensure purity and an unaltered natural mineral composition in every sip, our bottling environment adheres to the toughest international certification standards.

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Why is Aava Alkaline Mineral Water Healthy?

Naturally enriched with essential alkaline minerals and pH 8+

7.8- 8.5 pH Alkalinity

Recommended value*: 6.5 - 8.5

Naturally alkaline minerals and presence of bicarbonates impart a naturally alkaline pH. It helps boost immunity, has antioxidant properties, reduces inflammation and prevents chronic diseases.

10-15 mg Magnesium

Daily intake*: 320 - 400mg

300 biochemical reactions in our body depend on magnesium. A vital macro mineral necessary for healthy bone, brain and heart functions. It helps control the body’s immune response.

18-23 mg Calcium

Daily Intake* : 1000 - 2500mg

Fortifies bones, teeth and the nervous system. Prevents deficiencies that cause osteoporosis and arthritis.

10-14 mg Silica

Daily Intake* : 10 - 30 mg

Essential trace mineral known for its beauty benefits. Revitalises skin, teeth, hair, nails and brittle bones by aiding collagen formation.

40-60 mg Sodium

Daily Intake* : 1500-2400 mg

Sodium plays a vital role in nerve and muscle function. It controls body fluids, promotes cell growth, improves brain function and relieves muscle cramps.

<0.2 mg Fluoride

Daily Intake*: 2-10 mg

Essential for healthy teeth and gums. Prevents the growth of harmful oral bacteria, rebuilds tooth enamel and prevents tooth decay.

225-250 mg Bicarbonates

*Recommended Value: 70-400mg

Bicarbonate, also known as hydrogen carbonate, is responsible for maintaining the balance of acids and bases pH value in the body. It is a natural component in mineral rich water. Bicarbonates play a vital role in buffering acids and reduce the acidity of dietary components.

2-3 mg Potassium

Daily intake*: 3,500–4,700 mg

Regulates fluid balance, muscle contractions and nerve signals. Reduces blood pressure, prevents osteoporosis and kidney stones.

280-350 Total Dissolved Solids

Dissolved mineral solvents naturally present in water which aid heart health and affect its taste. The palatability of drinking water with a TDS < 300 ppm is rated excellent by the World Health Organisation.

*Recommended Intake Value signifies an average daily level of intake sufficient to meet the nutrient requirements of a healthy person.

*Average Minerals in mg/litre


Shop Aava Naturally Alkaline Mineral Water

Available in 100% recyclable PET and Glass Bottles

1 Ltr Cup-Cap Bottle

Pack of 12 bottles



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750 mL Glass Bottle Pack of 4

Pack of 4 bottles



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500 mL PET Bottle

Pack of 20 bottles



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250 ml Glass Bottle Pack of 8

Pack of 8 bottles



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200 mL PET Bottle

Pack of 240 bottles



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Aava Water 500 mL Sparkling Water with Natural Minerals

Pack of 6 bottles


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Glass Bottle & Luxury Tea Gift Box Combo

Glass Bottle & Luxury Tea Box Combo


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1 Litre Cup-Cap & Tea Lab Assorted Luxury Loose Leaf Teas

1 Litre Cup-cap & Pack of 3 Assorted Teas


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500mL Sparkling Water & Tea Lab Assorted Luxury Loose Leaf Teas

500mL Sparkling Water & Pack of 3 Assorted Teas


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Tea Lab India Premium Artisanal Loose Leaf Tea Box

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Tea Lab Royal Kashmiri Kahwa with Saffron and Indian Spices

Royal Kashmiri Kahwa 35gm Blend


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Tea Lab Organic Chamomile Flower Tea 35 Gms

Lullaby Chamomile Flower Tea 35gm


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Tea Lab Organic Hibiscus Flower Tea

Organic Hibiscus Flower Tea 35gm


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Aava Sparkling Water 250mL Glass with Natural Minerals

Pack of 8 bottles



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Aava Sparkling Water 750mL Glass with Natural Minerals

Pack of 4 bottles



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Love Potion Infusion Tea

50 gms Tin of loose leaf Black Tea with Plum, Cinnamon & Rose


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Quality Control Standards

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